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About the
Friends of Cole Island Society

The Friends of Cole Island Society formed in 2005 to protect the site from increasing vandalism. We are now the official custodians responsible for the safety, surveilance and maintenance of Cole Island. We work closely with the Provincial Heritage Branch, the City of Colwood, the Town of View Royal and Kings's Harbour Master.

We hold annual Island cleanups to remove invasive Broom and Daphne and assist with restoration activities. We have been honoured to receive several awards: 2015 Outstanding Recognition Award from the Town of View Royal for our efforts to protect and preserve Cole Island;  2016 Heritage BC Award for Heritage Education and Awareness; 2019 Heritage BC Award for Heritage Conservation, and, 2019 Heritage BC Award for Distinguished Service.

In 2022 we welcomed a full-time caretaker to Cole Island who now resides, off-grid, in the guardhouse. 

Cole Island 

Preserve the Past • Safeguard the Present • Secure for the future

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Vision

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Our Mission is to protect Cole Island as a historic, recreational and educational destination and promote its status as a historic site.

Cole Island will be well-preserved and a safe and accessible historic site for the education and enjoyment of future generations.


  1. An appreciation for history - fostered and enhanced through respectful stewardship and promotion of our heritage site

  2. Commitment to preservation and protection

  3. Accountability - to ourselves, our community, government and to future generations

  4. Partnership - with our stakeholders and members

  5. Financially responsible

  6. Open and transparent with our members and partners

  7. Non-commercial, non-political and non-partisan


  1. We will support further preservation initiatives

  2. We will help minimize vandalism and promote security

  3. We will be a source of information on the Island's history and future direction

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©2024 The Friends of Cole Island Society

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